Monday, June 11, 2007


Women charged with obstructing justice Dumpster murder case

Two of four appear in court in Dumpster murder case;

Women charged with obstructing justice,
conspiracy after the fact

By BRIAN HAYES and DAN ARSENAULT / Staff Reporters

Halifax, Nova Scotia

November 26, 2004

Two of four people charged in the April murder of Lennie Daniel Clancey had a busy day in several courtrooms on Thursday.

Two women whom Halifax Regional Police arrested Wednesday were arraigned in Halifax provincial court on charges of obstructing justice and conspiracy after the fact in the killing of the 25-year-old Halifax man.

After her arraignment, Shirley Colleen Gillis, 32, was taken to Nova Scotia Supreme Court for a bail hearing. She was released on a $10,000 recognizance with conditions.

Suzanne Silver, 33, was transported to Dartmouth provincial court to face six unrelated charges of uttering threats and violating court orders stemming from incidents on Nov. 3 and Oct. 12. She pleaded not guilty and is to be back in Dartmouth court Tuesday to have a trial date set.

Ms. Silver is also to be in Nova Scotia Supreme Court in Halifax at 11 a.m. today for a bail hearing on the obstruction and conspiracy charges.

The two women were arrested at their homes, police spokesman Sgt. Don Spicer said Thursday.

He couldn’t discuss what led police to lay these specific charges but he described in general terms what constitutes being an accessory after the fact.

“It’s alleged that they assisted the people that are responsible for the actual event . . . in order for them to avoid prosecution,” he said.

In Dartmouth court next Tuesday, Ms. Silver will be joined by her brother, Michael Trevor Silver, 31, also accused of conspiracy and obstruction, and Christopher Paul Rocheleau, 27, charged with first-degree murder.

Preliminary hearing dates will be set for all three. Arrangements are being made to have Ms. Gillis appear on the same day to have her preliminary hearing date set as well.

Mr. Silver is free on bail while Mr. Rocheleau remains in custody at the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility in Dartmouth.

It took police five days to identify Mr. Clancey’s charred remains, which a group of kids found in a burned trash bin behind Eric Graves Junior High School.

Police say he died from a gunshot wound.

Mr. Clancey, who had an extensive criminal record, had filed an insurance claim against Ms. Silver after an August 2000 car crash that killed his then-girlfriend, Theresa Marlene Hunt, 22, near the Porters Lakeexit on Highway 107.

He also filed suit against the man who was driving Ms. Silver’s BMW, her boyfriend, Patrick John Bevin, 30.

This August, Mr. Bevin, Ms. Silver, her sister Kim Silver, 39, and three others

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