Thursday, June 11, 2009


Boy set on fire, mom charged By CP

Boy set on fire, mom charged By CP
ST-HONORE,QUE.—A 43-year-old woman faces an assault charge after her 13-year-old son was doused with lighter fluid and set on fire in the family home. The mother of five was to be arraigned in court today on a charge of aggravated assault after the teen was rushed to hospital on Saturday with first and second-degree burns,said provincial police.

“The son was able to go to a neighbour’s house and call for some help,” said police spokeswoman Chantal Mackels.

“He was transported by ambulance to the Centre Hospitalier de Chicoutimi where he sustained injuries to his back.”

The children would be placed in the care of the eldest son, who is in his 20s, said Mackels.

Police said they had no motive as of yesterday but confirmed alcohol may have been afactor in the attack.

St-Honoreis about 220 km north of Quebec City.

Mom sets son afire; he saves her

Thursday December 18[1997] 9:50 AM EST
ST.LOUIS, Dec. 18 [1997] (UPI) -- A 15-year-old boy is in critical condition after his mother threw lighter fluid at him, igniting his T-shirt and setting off a fire that gutted the family’s apartment. Police say the youth saved his mother’s life when the fire spread. The boy is recovering today at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis with burns over 50 percent of his body. The woman, her son and six young children she was baby-sitting all escaped the fire and police did not immediately file any charges in the case. Police say a 9-year-old boy saved four of his siblings and then went back into the burning apartment to rescue the last child.

What a way to find out what it means to be a man. I hope that both will get a medal at least; they are

martyrs and heroes—like all men - ready to sacrifice their lives.—WHS

Then there was the recent case of a kindergarten-teacher in Thailand who poisoned 32 children in her charge with a pesticide that she mixed into their chocolate drink (she had some of it, too, to throw off suspicions) -- in a premeditated deed and apparently for no other reason than to put the school that employed her into a bad light.

Usually, the police look for mitigating circumstances, and if they fail to find them,the media and the prosecution are always ready to use the last resort, the Devil, or “her inner demons made her do it.” That’s why in the case of the Thai kindergarten-teacher they already said that she has “psychological problems” (now updated to: her debts and the embezzling she did with the school’s funds clouded her mind), and in the case in St. Honore, Quebec, the mother is as good as exonerated, because “alcohol may have been a factor in the attack.” That is never an acceptable excuse for men, but it works quite well for women.

I am curious as to what will happen now in Quebec. Will the “mother” be brought to trial? Will she receive a heavy or a light sentence? Is she under arrest right now? Will she have to serve any time at all? All of those are justified questions when a“mother” commits DV against one of her children.

However,if a man is the perpetrator, none of those questions need to be asked. As soon has he has been identified, proven guilty or not, he will be locked up until trial; and when he gets sentenced, he will receive a severe one. That is quite possibly one of the reasons why women are nine time more likely than biological fathers to commit crimes of violence against their children.

Why not, eh? Women are held to be good and men without a doubt are thought to be bad. The media, the police, the judiciary, the feminists and the whole bureaucracy dominated and controlled by them, all have their minds firmly made up about that, and no facts will confuse them.

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