Sunday, April 11, 2010
Therapist Charged With Beating Child
A therapist hired by a Long Hill Township couple to teach their 4-year-old autistic son in their home was charged with beating and sexually assaulting the boy after his parents secretly videotaped a session in their basement, Morris County authorities said yesterday.
Christine Mischenko, a 23-year-old Middletown behavior therapist working with the boy since January 2003, is charged with kicking and punching the boy in the head, shaking him by the ears, lifting him off the floor by his hair and squeezing and pulling the boy's genitals, Morris County Prosecutor Michael Rubbinaccio said.
The parents watched the tape Wednesday night, after Mischenko went home. They immediately called police.
Mischenko was arrested at 4 a.m. Thursday at her home. She lives with her parents, who were out of town at the time.
Mischenko was charged with second-degree sexual assault, child endangerment and third-degree aggravated assault. She remains in the county jail in lieu of $100,000 bail and faces a maximum 10-year prison sentence, Rubbinaccio said.
Rubbinaccio said the videotape showed more than two hours of disturbing violence. The boy barely talks, weaving together a couple of words at a time and using sign language to communicate. "She is sadistic and cruel," he said of Mischenko.
The boy's father agreed. "It is a nightmare. I never thought that someone we trusted and let into our home would do something like this," the 41-year-old father said. "When we watched that tape Wednesday my wife cried, saying, 'How can she do that to our baby?' I got so disgusted."
But the woman's father, George Mischenko, said his daughter would never hurt a child. "She is a good person. She doesn't abuse kids. It's unfair what they are saying about her," George Mischenko said.
Christine Mischenko, however, admitted to the charges, plus spraying the victim in the face with an unknown liquid in a hypodermic needle, according to Long Hill police Detective Sgt. Sean Brown's arrest affidavit. She admitted to the abuse not only on Wednesday, but for the past two weeks, the affidavit states.
The boy's father and mother said that two weeks ago they noticed a rash on their son's hands and purple bruises on his earlobes. When the therapist showed up at the house, the boy would hug his mother, not wanting to go to the basement, the father said. The parents asked Mischenko about the rash and bruises, but didn't get an explanation, they said.
The father bought a $300 wireless video surveillance camera with a lens the size of a pinhead. He placed it on a bookshelf in the basement and, on Wednesday, recorded the session. The boy's mother was home at the time. Though the tape shows the boy screaming, he occasionally did that, so that didn't alarm the boy's mother, Rubbinaccio said.
Mischenko was employed by Neptune-based New Horizons in Autism, a nonprofit agency that offers residential, vocational, family support and behavior therapy programs. It has contracts with some 20 school districts, charging $65 an hour for services.
Her boss, executive director Michele Goodman, said, "I'm appalled at her. My concern is for that child."
Mischenko, who did not need certification to do the job, has worked with other autistic children and was never accused of abusing them, Goodman said. She was being groomed for a new position, and was only working with the Long Hill boy twice a week for two hours. She was fired yesterday, Goodman said.
The boy attends the local school system, which covered the cost of therapy to supplement his skills until he attended school full time in May. The boy's parents then agreed to hire Mischenko on their own.
The boy's parents, who also have an older son, said the autistic boy was treated and released from a local hospital.
"Our heart was broken when we learned he was autistic, and whatever was left was shredded when we saw that tape," his mother said.
1 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:15:37 AM by RepubMommy
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To: Incorrigible; cupcakes; Brent in TN; Coleus
This breaks my heart, really. My almost 3 year old was diagnosed as austitic at 18 months, but she had had such miraculous progress that her diagnosis was changed to a mild expressive language disorder in which I am confident she will outgrow this as well. Having said that, we have worked with therapists in this manner and you trust these young women in your home, they become like family to you. Before any uneducated posters start with the usual, "well where were the parents when this was going on?" The type of therapy consists on one on one teaching, very much like a school setting and the parents should not be present in the room to avoid any distractions. Many parents do such as this family apparently did and set up a mini classroom in the basement. When my daughter was doing this therapy, she and her therapists were up in her bedroom with the door always opened and her chair was facing opposite the door, so I did peek in from time to time.
Incorrigible, I don't have the autism ping list.
2 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:22:50 AM by RepubMommy
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To: RepubMommy
Also, please note the therapist's father is claiming she does not harm children after she already admitted to the abuse and it was caught on tape. Sorry, sir but your daughter is nothing less then a monster.
3 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:24:55 AM by RepubMommy
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To: RepubMommy
Never leave young children alone with anyone if you can help it. These satanic predators choose occupations where they can abuse the young.
4 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:25:32 AM by HarmonyChurchGoer
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To: RepubMommy
An example of true evil and her daddy won't believe videotaped evidence - sounds like a Kerry supporter to me.
5 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:31:01 AM by austingirl
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To: Diana; douglas1; alnick
autism ping
6 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:31:18 AM by RepubMommy
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To: austingirl
An example of true evil and her daddy won't believe videotaped evidence - sounds like a Kerry supporter to me.
What's worse, is some lawyer is going to willingly defend her. Maybe she can call Breck girl....
7 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:32:19 AM by RepubMommy
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To: StayAt HomeMother
8 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:41:27 AM by RepubMommy
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To: austingirl
...sounds like a Kerry supporter to me. Of course. The only silver-lining in this black, ugly, dastardly cloud is that with her being in jail, that's one less vote for Kerry this November.
9 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:48:38 AM by no dems (Hey, Hey JFK; How many lies have you told today?)
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To: RepubMommy
I'll never understand what could make someone hurt a child. It makes me sick that her maximum sentence is only ten years. At least she'll be branded as a sex offender and will never be allowed to work with or around children. Let's just hope the b*tch can never have children of her own.
10 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:49:11 AM by demkicker
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To: austingirl
And that is in part why this young woman became the monster she is.
11 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 12:01:47 PM by TopQuark
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To: RepubMommy
What's worse, is some lawyer is going to willingly defend her.
You know as well as I do that that's the way it should be.
We give our government great power when it comes to taking money from us, enforcing laws, carting people off to the pokey, etc. By allowing her, even encouraging her, to find counsel who will vigorously defend her against the charges, in the end, when we lock her up and take away her God-given rights we can rest a little easier that we have not done a bad thing.
Also, these shysters help keep the government (the entity with all the power) on its toes. As it whould be.
12 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 12:06:02 PM by krb
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To: krb it "should" be, not whould be...
13 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 12:06:26 PM by krb
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To: RepubMommy
Seeeeeething rage...
Autistic children are so vulnerable. I worry every time I send my son off to school: is he safe on the bus? in the lunchroom? in the rest room?
There are too many EVIL people in the world, and special needs children especially cannot defend themselves.
In moments of rage like this I think: Give me a two hour session with a child abuser and I'd teach him/her what it feels like to be completely defenseless. I'll calm down now...
14 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 12:11:15 PM by Choose Ye This Day (Kerry sees two Americas. America sees two John Kerrys. It's mutual.)
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To: krb
What's worse, is some lawyer is going to willingly defend her.
You know as well as I do that that's the way it should be.
Why should some scuzzy lawyer willingly WANT to represent a woman who was caught torturing a child on tape and then admitting to it? A court appointed attorney, should be sufficient. My point is that some jerk who past the bar exam and could care less about this child or the family will willingly represent her and that individual, at the very least, has some serious character issues, to put it mildly.
15 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 12:49:12 PM by RepubMommy
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To: RepubMommy; afraidfortherepublic; dead; seowulf; Severa; USA21; alnick; FormerLurker; ...
Terrible, terrible, terrible.
My 6 year old son just got through with his speech and ABA therapy this morning. Though I'm occasionally in my basement office when they are here, typically I'm not because I'm too much of a distraction especially if I'm on the computer.
We have come to trust the therapists like family; it's not really a choice. Yes, he occasionally howls his displeasure at being put through his discrete trial paces but the progress he makes it certainly worthwhile.
That said, I never saw any of the problems that this article relates but I will say that video taping the therapist actually encourages better sessions. Many of the therapists have asked me for copies of his videos for their portfolios (alas, so I can loose them to higher paying more steady work at a school).
It takes a very special person to work with Autistic kids.
16 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 1:04:23 PM by Incorrigible (immanentizing the eschaton)
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To: RepubMommy
So you would prefer it that we force the accused to have a known crappy attorney (who may be a better person)?
What happens when she appeals her conviction and gets let go because you forced her to have poor counsel?
17 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 2:13:14 PM by krb
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To: Choose Ye This Day; RepubMommy
Hey - if ya ever get a shot at someone like this, let us all know and we'll be glad to help you teach him/her a lesson..........what a total waste of oxygen this young woman is.....
18 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 2:39:15 PM by WhyisaTexasgirlinPA (The PROUD Mommy of an Alpha Phi pledge!!!)
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To: RepubMommy
That's really bad. Those people are in the same level with terrorists.
19 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 2:42:39 PM by Ptarmigan
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To: RepubMommy
This is awful. I know all to well that autistic children can test your limits. The older mine gets though, the more I realize how desperately he wants to communicate. You have to pause because they can not interject their intentions like other children can and they often don't have empathy so they do not understand how it makes you feel when they dump a bag of sugar on the floor.
An example this weekend is my autsie(4 1/2) got into the baby formula. After I ran him off and told him he was naughty, I noticed that he had the container out too that I mix the formula in--it was evident he was trying to help me, especially considering the day before he watched me make the formula. He also grabbed my hand when I was upset and I could tell he wanted to tell me something so bad--probably that he was trying to help.
This breaks my heart. THis typs of abuse is something I worry about for my own son.
20 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 2:48:15 PM by cupcakes
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To: RepubMommy
How do you all get these services? Do you pay for them privately? We can not afford anything additional for my son and he has hope to improve, but is only getting preschool now. I want to help him and feel we are missing on valuable time, but we, financially, can not bear the burden of any additional therapy--not even through our insurance because it is 80/20(we are still paying the psych bill off from his initial diagnosis a YEAR ago)
21 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 2:51:30 PM by cupcakes
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To: krb
So you would prefer it that we force the accused to have a known crappy attorney (who may be a better person
No, I am just questioning the character of the type of person that would actually WANT to represent her. Surely some defense lawyers must have consciences if we are talking about child abuse.
22 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 2:52:27 PM by RepubMommy
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To: cupcakes
In Maryland we have the autism waiver. With it children get medicaid, their education is funded and at home services. My 13 year old son has the waiver. I tried the at home services but dropped the idea when the first specialist quit and I was never informed.
I considered trying another agency but they all want the children for after school care and I have worked my butt off to keep this child at home with his siblings. The efforts of my husband and I have paid off.
I never thought he would come this far. He can stay at home alone for as long as needed and gets mad when I call to check up on him.
When he was younger and had bad experiences with a teacher (one time) or special ed bus driver (one time) he would get physcial until I realized the problem. In both instances when removed from the wrong people I get my boy back.
Sorry for the ramble!!
23 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 3:03:14 PM by Mfkmmof4
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To: cupcakes
How do you all get these services? Do you pay for them privately? We can not afford anything additional for my son and he has hope to improve, but is only getting preschool now. I want to help him and feel we are missing on valuable time, but we, financially, can not bear the burden of any additional therapy--not even through our insurance because it is 80/20(we are still paying the psych bill off from his initial diagnosis a YEAR ago)
The max we had Caitlin involved in was 8 hours of EI and we did have to pay a nominal account to the state because we fell in a certain tax bracket. We also had private speech and OT covered through our insurance. NJ, has alot of services available but many people either sue their school district or pay out of pocket for intense ABA. We didn't feel that Caitlin needed it and thus didn't pursue such a program. She is phasing out of EI right now, turning three in October. She was deemed ineligible for services by our school district this past summer and we agreed with the assessment. She is starting typical preschool next week, something one year ago, we never thought she would do. She will still attend speech for a while but we are one of the lucky ones and my heart will always be with autistic families. I have heard horror stories of people losing their homes because of the financial burden of much needed services. What kind of program is your son in now? Yes, 80/20 is nothing when therapy is ongoing.
24 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 3:03:39 PM by RepubMommy
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To: RepubMommy
Christine Mischenko, a 23-year-old Middletown behavior therapist
How much experience is a 23-year-old going to have? A behavior therapist at 23? Straight out of college? I don't think so! But thank goodness the parents had sense enough to install a video camera. I hope they put Mischenko away for a long time.
25 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 3:09:42 PM by my_pointy_head_is_sharp
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To: my_pointy_head_is_sharp
Most behavior therapists are straight out of college. In NJ, you need to have a masters which she probably had.
The burnout rate is very high so having therapists with years of experience is rare indeed.
26 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 3:14:26 PM by Incorrigible (immanentizing the eschaton)
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To: HarmonyChurchGoer
That's right...
27 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 3:52:45 PM by ApesForEvolution (DemocRATS are communists and want to destroy America only to replace it with the USSA)
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To: RepubMommy
80/20 and a 30 dollar copay--forgot to mention that so you are talking about 50-60 bucks a visit anyway--He would probably need at least two visits a week and we can't pull 100-120 a week right now--hopefully in a couple of years when hubby is done with his masters, but right now--nope.
To answer your questions he is in something called learning steps preschool. Mostly it is children with challenges like autism, sometimes just speech delays and there is usually one or two normal peer models--only one this year since Ry's class is only 6 children this time. Children are only eligible if they have a bonified disability--either SEVERE speech delays or autism. His teacher was horrible last year--did not contact us and didn't want to be there. Didn't hurt him, but she wasn't into it--his bus driver was a jewel!
He has both a new bus driver and a new teacher--didn't like the way the driver SOUNDED when I talke dto her on the phone, but we'll see how it goes--my daughter is in school all day now so I can always drive him to and from if need be. The teacher is new so I think she should be pretty enthusiastic for this first year--in to change the world type of thing. I just hope she's realistic about the behavior of some of these children. Mine is ok, but he can be a bear at times too.
28 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 5:19:40 PM by cupcakes
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To: RepubMommy
Hideous. I am blessed that all of the teachers and therapists who have worked with my almost 7-year old grandson have not only been caring professionals, but angels. Some people just have evil in their hearts, sadly.
29 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 6:24:40 PM by truthkeeper (Yeah, I have a 1998 signup date. So?)
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To: Incorrigible
Most behavior therapists are straight out of college. In NJ, you need to have a masters which she probably had. The burnout rate is very high so having therapists with years of experience is rare indeed.
Yep, my main therapist is the ripe old age of 26. I plan on showing her the article next week. I would never dream she would do this to my daughter, but I am sure the other family felt the same.
30 posted on Sunday, September 05, 2004 6:13:35 PM by RepubMommy
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To: cupcakes
He may be a candidate for sign language.... just a thought :)
31 posted on Monday, September 06, 2004 6:58:37 PM by Mfkmmof4
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To: Mfkmmof4
Holy Shit! I am a rutgers university student- and Christine Mischenko was my roomate a few years back. My girlfriend told me about the article in the paper and I really really didnt believe it until reading this. I always thought she was a complete nut and I really cant believe anyone gave her a job in the first place. this is a perfect example of why I will never hire a stranger to babysit my own child when I eventually have one. My girl and I caught her and all our old roomates doing heroin back then and she had a string of bad relationships with men--thats the only thing that makes sense as to why she did this. In my opinion-she was a spoiled little rich girl but I necer thought she was capable of this. What a godamn freak! I hope she gets max sentance and she will def get beaten and raped in jail---Holy shit! what a freakin nut!
32 posted on Sunday, September 12, 2004 10:26:25 PM by boogat1
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To: boogat1
I am a Rutgers student too and I was such good friends with her for about a year but she definitely had some serious control issues and that's why I ended up stopping that friendship--she was weird...but I never would have imagined that something like this could even go through her mind when she looked at a helpless child...I heard she had gotten into dope at the end of college but that is no excuse--there has got to be something chemically wrong with her to do that...we took so many classes on psych together--I am surprised we never knew she was a wacko.

Ricardo Villalobos - Therapist, White Collar Child Abuser, Abuse and Trauma enabler for little children,Child Abuse Fabricator, big time liar.
1908 T Street, NW, Suite A
Washington , DC , 20009
Phone: 2022972825
Woodburn Mental Health Clinic, Annandale, Virginia
Kolmac Clinic, Silver Spring, Maryland
Whitman-Walker Clinic, Arlington, Virginia
The Women's Center, Vienna, Virginia
Argus House for Adolescent Boys, Arlington, Virginia
Will County Dept. of Mental Health, Addictions Counseling Center, Joliet, Illinois
Meet Mr.Ricardo Villalobos:
+Several people have questioned Mr. Ricardo Villalobos and his credibility as to his intentions as a therapist.
+In 2008, Judge Charles Maxfield of the Fairfax Circuit Court issued an court order preventing Ricardo Villalobos from having any further contact with two young children he was providing therapy on a bi-weekly basis for over a year while claiming that the children were depressed and confused due to sexual and physical abuse by their father that he had diagnosed.
+In 2007 Judge Leslie Alden of Fairfax Circuit found Ricardo Villalobos's expert testimony lacking any credibility.
+Mr. Villalobos came to court to testify as a expert witness on child abuse - when asked if he had brought his credentials/resume/curricum vita with him. His answer was No, I did not think it was needed in court. (During his testimony, it was learned that, he had never testified as a expert witness before and hence did not know he should have brought his resume with him to court.
+Ricardo Villalobos was conspiring with a convicted felon Lawyer Robert Machen ( Who spent a year in a federal prison) and CPS worker Shannon Traore aka Shannon Tyler...( who was later fired from Fairfax County Child Protective Services).
see:Fairfax County CPS SocialWorker accused of Fabricating Child Abuse allegations.
Mental Health Therapist charged with child sexual Abuse
A former mental health center therapist has been charged with drug and sex activities involving teenage boys under her care..see link above
Psychologist charged with assault, child abuse at a Silver Spring Clinic in Washington
Christine Mischenko, a 23-year-old Middletown behavior therapist working with the boy since January 2003, is charged with kicking and punching the boy in the head, shaking him by the ears, lifting him off the floor by his hair and squeezing and pulling the boy's genitals, Morris County Prosecutor Michael Rubbinaccio said.
The parents watched the tape Wednesday night, after Mischenko went home. They immediately called police.
Mischenko was arrested at 4 a.m. Thursday at her home. She lives with her parents, who were out of town at the time.
Mischenko was charged with second-degree sexual assault, child endangerment and third-degree aggravated assault. She remains in the county jail in lieu of $100,000 bail and faces a maximum 10-year prison sentence, Rubbinaccio said.
Rubbinaccio said the videotape showed more than two hours of disturbing violence. The boy barely talks, weaving together a couple of words at a time and using sign language to communicate. "She is sadistic and cruel," he said of Mischenko.
The boy's father agreed. "It is a nightmare. I never thought that someone we trusted and let into our home would do something like this," the 41-year-old father said. "When we watched that tape Wednesday my wife cried, saying, 'How can she do that to our baby?' I got so disgusted."
But the woman's father, George Mischenko, said his daughter would never hurt a child. "She is a good person. She doesn't abuse kids. It's unfair what they are saying about her," George Mischenko said.
Christine Mischenko, however, admitted to the charges, plus spraying the victim in the face with an unknown liquid in a hypodermic needle, according to Long Hill police Detective Sgt. Sean Brown's arrest affidavit. She admitted to the abuse not only on Wednesday, but for the past two weeks, the affidavit states.
The boy's father and mother said that two weeks ago they noticed a rash on their son's hands and purple bruises on his earlobes. When the therapist showed up at the house, the boy would hug his mother, not wanting to go to the basement, the father said. The parents asked Mischenko about the rash and bruises, but didn't get an explanation, they said.
The father bought a $300 wireless video surveillance camera with a lens the size of a pinhead. He placed it on a bookshelf in the basement and, on Wednesday, recorded the session. The boy's mother was home at the time. Though the tape shows the boy screaming, he occasionally did that, so that didn't alarm the boy's mother, Rubbinaccio said.
Mischenko was employed by Neptune-based New Horizons in Autism, a nonprofit agency that offers residential, vocational, family support and behavior therapy programs. It has contracts with some 20 school districts, charging $65 an hour for services.
Her boss, executive director Michele Goodman, said, "I'm appalled at her. My concern is for that child."
Mischenko, who did not need certification to do the job, has worked with other autistic children and was never accused of abusing them, Goodman said. She was being groomed for a new position, and was only working with the Long Hill boy twice a week for two hours. She was fired yesterday, Goodman said.
The boy attends the local school system, which covered the cost of therapy to supplement his skills until he attended school full time in May. The boy's parents then agreed to hire Mischenko on their own.
The boy's parents, who also have an older son, said the autistic boy was treated and released from a local hospital.
"Our heart was broken when we learned he was autistic, and whatever was left was shredded when we saw that tape," his mother said.
1 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:15:37 AM by RepubMommy
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To: Incorrigible; cupcakes; Brent in TN; Coleus
This breaks my heart, really. My almost 3 year old was diagnosed as austitic at 18 months, but she had had such miraculous progress that her diagnosis was changed to a mild expressive language disorder in which I am confident she will outgrow this as well. Having said that, we have worked with therapists in this manner and you trust these young women in your home, they become like family to you. Before any uneducated posters start with the usual, "well where were the parents when this was going on?" The type of therapy consists on one on one teaching, very much like a school setting and the parents should not be present in the room to avoid any distractions. Many parents do such as this family apparently did and set up a mini classroom in the basement. When my daughter was doing this therapy, she and her therapists were up in her bedroom with the door always opened and her chair was facing opposite the door, so I did peek in from time to time.
Incorrigible, I don't have the autism ping list.
2 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:22:50 AM by RepubMommy
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To: RepubMommy
Also, please note the therapist's father is claiming she does not harm children after she already admitted to the abuse and it was caught on tape. Sorry, sir but your daughter is nothing less then a monster.
3 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:24:55 AM by RepubMommy
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To: RepubMommy
Never leave young children alone with anyone if you can help it. These satanic predators choose occupations where they can abuse the young.
4 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:25:32 AM by HarmonyChurchGoer
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To: RepubMommy
An example of true evil and her daddy won't believe videotaped evidence - sounds like a Kerry supporter to me.
5 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:31:01 AM by austingirl
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To: Diana; douglas1; alnick
autism ping
6 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:31:18 AM by RepubMommy
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To: austingirl
An example of true evil and her daddy won't believe videotaped evidence - sounds like a Kerry supporter to me.
What's worse, is some lawyer is going to willingly defend her. Maybe she can call Breck girl....
7 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:32:19 AM by RepubMommy
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To: StayAt HomeMother
8 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:41:27 AM by RepubMommy
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To: austingirl
...sounds like a Kerry supporter to me. Of course. The only silver-lining in this black, ugly, dastardly cloud is that with her being in jail, that's one less vote for Kerry this November.
9 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:48:38 AM by no dems (Hey, Hey JFK; How many lies have you told today?)
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To: RepubMommy
I'll never understand what could make someone hurt a child. It makes me sick that her maximum sentence is only ten years. At least she'll be branded as a sex offender and will never be allowed to work with or around children. Let's just hope the b*tch can never have children of her own.
10 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:49:11 AM by demkicker
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To: austingirl
And that is in part why this young woman became the monster she is.
11 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 12:01:47 PM by TopQuark
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To: RepubMommy
What's worse, is some lawyer is going to willingly defend her.
You know as well as I do that that's the way it should be.
We give our government great power when it comes to taking money from us, enforcing laws, carting people off to the pokey, etc. By allowing her, even encouraging her, to find counsel who will vigorously defend her against the charges, in the end, when we lock her up and take away her God-given rights we can rest a little easier that we have not done a bad thing.
Also, these shysters help keep the government (the entity with all the power) on its toes. As it whould be.
12 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 12:06:02 PM by krb
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To: krb it "should" be, not whould be...
13 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 12:06:26 PM by krb
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To: RepubMommy
Seeeeeething rage...
Autistic children are so vulnerable. I worry every time I send my son off to school: is he safe on the bus? in the lunchroom? in the rest room?
There are too many EVIL people in the world, and special needs children especially cannot defend themselves.
In moments of rage like this I think: Give me a two hour session with a child abuser and I'd teach him/her what it feels like to be completely defenseless. I'll calm down now...
14 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 12:11:15 PM by Choose Ye This Day (Kerry sees two Americas. America sees two John Kerrys. It's mutual.)
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To: krb
What's worse, is some lawyer is going to willingly defend her.
You know as well as I do that that's the way it should be.
Why should some scuzzy lawyer willingly WANT to represent a woman who was caught torturing a child on tape and then admitting to it? A court appointed attorney, should be sufficient. My point is that some jerk who past the bar exam and could care less about this child or the family will willingly represent her and that individual, at the very least, has some serious character issues, to put it mildly.
15 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 12:49:12 PM by RepubMommy
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To: RepubMommy; afraidfortherepublic; dead; seowulf; Severa; USA21; alnick; FormerLurker; ...
Terrible, terrible, terrible.
My 6 year old son just got through with his speech and ABA therapy this morning. Though I'm occasionally in my basement office when they are here, typically I'm not because I'm too much of a distraction especially if I'm on the computer.
We have come to trust the therapists like family; it's not really a choice. Yes, he occasionally howls his displeasure at being put through his discrete trial paces but the progress he makes it certainly worthwhile.
That said, I never saw any of the problems that this article relates but I will say that video taping the therapist actually encourages better sessions. Many of the therapists have asked me for copies of his videos for their portfolios (alas, so I can loose them to higher paying more steady work at a school).
It takes a very special person to work with Autistic kids.
16 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 1:04:23 PM by Incorrigible (immanentizing the eschaton)
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To: RepubMommy
So you would prefer it that we force the accused to have a known crappy attorney (who may be a better person)?
What happens when she appeals her conviction and gets let go because you forced her to have poor counsel?
17 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 2:13:14 PM by krb
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To: Choose Ye This Day; RepubMommy
Hey - if ya ever get a shot at someone like this, let us all know and we'll be glad to help you teach him/her a lesson..........what a total waste of oxygen this young woman is.....
18 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 2:39:15 PM by WhyisaTexasgirlinPA (The PROUD Mommy of an Alpha Phi pledge!!!)
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To: RepubMommy
That's really bad. Those people are in the same level with terrorists.
19 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 2:42:39 PM by Ptarmigan
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To: RepubMommy
This is awful. I know all to well that autistic children can test your limits. The older mine gets though, the more I realize how desperately he wants to communicate. You have to pause because they can not interject their intentions like other children can and they often don't have empathy so they do not understand how it makes you feel when they dump a bag of sugar on the floor.
An example this weekend is my autsie(4 1/2) got into the baby formula. After I ran him off and told him he was naughty, I noticed that he had the container out too that I mix the formula in--it was evident he was trying to help me, especially considering the day before he watched me make the formula. He also grabbed my hand when I was upset and I could tell he wanted to tell me something so bad--probably that he was trying to help.
This breaks my heart. THis typs of abuse is something I worry about for my own son.
20 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 2:48:15 PM by cupcakes
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To: RepubMommy
How do you all get these services? Do you pay for them privately? We can not afford anything additional for my son and he has hope to improve, but is only getting preschool now. I want to help him and feel we are missing on valuable time, but we, financially, can not bear the burden of any additional therapy--not even through our insurance because it is 80/20(we are still paying the psych bill off from his initial diagnosis a YEAR ago)
21 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 2:51:30 PM by cupcakes
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To: krb
So you would prefer it that we force the accused to have a known crappy attorney (who may be a better person
No, I am just questioning the character of the type of person that would actually WANT to represent her. Surely some defense lawyers must have consciences if we are talking about child abuse.
22 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 2:52:27 PM by RepubMommy
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To: cupcakes
In Maryland we have the autism waiver. With it children get medicaid, their education is funded and at home services. My 13 year old son has the waiver. I tried the at home services but dropped the idea when the first specialist quit and I was never informed.
I considered trying another agency but they all want the children for after school care and I have worked my butt off to keep this child at home with his siblings. The efforts of my husband and I have paid off.
I never thought he would come this far. He can stay at home alone for as long as needed and gets mad when I call to check up on him.
When he was younger and had bad experiences with a teacher (one time) or special ed bus driver (one time) he would get physcial until I realized the problem. In both instances when removed from the wrong people I get my boy back.
Sorry for the ramble!!
23 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 3:03:14 PM by Mfkmmof4
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To: cupcakes
How do you all get these services? Do you pay for them privately? We can not afford anything additional for my son and he has hope to improve, but is only getting preschool now. I want to help him and feel we are missing on valuable time, but we, financially, can not bear the burden of any additional therapy--not even through our insurance because it is 80/20(we are still paying the psych bill off from his initial diagnosis a YEAR ago)
The max we had Caitlin involved in was 8 hours of EI and we did have to pay a nominal account to the state because we fell in a certain tax bracket. We also had private speech and OT covered through our insurance. NJ, has alot of services available but many people either sue their school district or pay out of pocket for intense ABA. We didn't feel that Caitlin needed it and thus didn't pursue such a program. She is phasing out of EI right now, turning three in October. She was deemed ineligible for services by our school district this past summer and we agreed with the assessment. She is starting typical preschool next week, something one year ago, we never thought she would do. She will still attend speech for a while but we are one of the lucky ones and my heart will always be with autistic families. I have heard horror stories of people losing their homes because of the financial burden of much needed services. What kind of program is your son in now? Yes, 80/20 is nothing when therapy is ongoing.
24 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 3:03:39 PM by RepubMommy
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To: RepubMommy
Christine Mischenko, a 23-year-old Middletown behavior therapist
How much experience is a 23-year-old going to have? A behavior therapist at 23? Straight out of college? I don't think so! But thank goodness the parents had sense enough to install a video camera. I hope they put Mischenko away for a long time.
25 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 3:09:42 PM by my_pointy_head_is_sharp
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To: my_pointy_head_is_sharp
Most behavior therapists are straight out of college. In NJ, you need to have a masters which she probably had.
The burnout rate is very high so having therapists with years of experience is rare indeed.
26 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 3:14:26 PM by Incorrigible (immanentizing the eschaton)
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To: HarmonyChurchGoer
That's right...
27 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 3:52:45 PM by ApesForEvolution (DemocRATS are communists and want to destroy America only to replace it with the USSA)
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To: RepubMommy
80/20 and a 30 dollar copay--forgot to mention that so you are talking about 50-60 bucks a visit anyway--He would probably need at least two visits a week and we can't pull 100-120 a week right now--hopefully in a couple of years when hubby is done with his masters, but right now--nope.
To answer your questions he is in something called learning steps preschool. Mostly it is children with challenges like autism, sometimes just speech delays and there is usually one or two normal peer models--only one this year since Ry's class is only 6 children this time. Children are only eligible if they have a bonified disability--either SEVERE speech delays or autism. His teacher was horrible last year--did not contact us and didn't want to be there. Didn't hurt him, but she wasn't into it--his bus driver was a jewel!
He has both a new bus driver and a new teacher--didn't like the way the driver SOUNDED when I talke dto her on the phone, but we'll see how it goes--my daughter is in school all day now so I can always drive him to and from if need be. The teacher is new so I think she should be pretty enthusiastic for this first year--in to change the world type of thing. I just hope she's realistic about the behavior of some of these children. Mine is ok, but he can be a bear at times too.
28 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 5:19:40 PM by cupcakes
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To: RepubMommy
Hideous. I am blessed that all of the teachers and therapists who have worked with my almost 7-year old grandson have not only been caring professionals, but angels. Some people just have evil in their hearts, sadly.
29 posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 6:24:40 PM by truthkeeper (Yeah, I have a 1998 signup date. So?)
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To: Incorrigible
Most behavior therapists are straight out of college. In NJ, you need to have a masters which she probably had. The burnout rate is very high so having therapists with years of experience is rare indeed.
Yep, my main therapist is the ripe old age of 26. I plan on showing her the article next week. I would never dream she would do this to my daughter, but I am sure the other family felt the same.
30 posted on Sunday, September 05, 2004 6:13:35 PM by RepubMommy
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To: cupcakes
He may be a candidate for sign language.... just a thought :)
31 posted on Monday, September 06, 2004 6:58:37 PM by Mfkmmof4
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To: Mfkmmof4
Holy Shit! I am a rutgers university student- and Christine Mischenko was my roomate a few years back. My girlfriend told me about the article in the paper and I really really didnt believe it until reading this. I always thought she was a complete nut and I really cant believe anyone gave her a job in the first place. this is a perfect example of why I will never hire a stranger to babysit my own child when I eventually have one. My girl and I caught her and all our old roomates doing heroin back then and she had a string of bad relationships with men--thats the only thing that makes sense as to why she did this. In my opinion-she was a spoiled little rich girl but I necer thought she was capable of this. What a godamn freak! I hope she gets max sentance and she will def get beaten and raped in jail---Holy shit! what a freakin nut!
32 posted on Sunday, September 12, 2004 10:26:25 PM by boogat1
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To: boogat1
I am a Rutgers student too and I was such good friends with her for about a year but she definitely had some serious control issues and that's why I ended up stopping that friendship--she was weird...but I never would have imagined that something like this could even go through her mind when she looked at a helpless child...I heard she had gotten into dope at the end of college but that is no excuse--there has got to be something chemically wrong with her to do that...we took so many classes on psych together--I am surprised we never knew she was a wacko.

Ricardo Villalobos - Therapist, White Collar Child Abuser, Abuse and Trauma enabler for little children,Child Abuse Fabricator, big time liar.
1908 T Street, NW, Suite A
Washington , DC , 20009
Phone: 2022972825
Woodburn Mental Health Clinic, Annandale, Virginia
Kolmac Clinic, Silver Spring, Maryland
Whitman-Walker Clinic, Arlington, Virginia
The Women's Center, Vienna, Virginia
Argus House for Adolescent Boys, Arlington, Virginia
Will County Dept. of Mental Health, Addictions Counseling Center, Joliet, Illinois
Meet Mr.Ricardo Villalobos:
+Several people have questioned Mr. Ricardo Villalobos and his credibility as to his intentions as a therapist.
+In 2008, Judge Charles Maxfield of the Fairfax Circuit Court issued an court order preventing Ricardo Villalobos from having any further contact with two young children he was providing therapy on a bi-weekly basis for over a year while claiming that the children were depressed and confused due to sexual and physical abuse by their father that he had diagnosed.
+In 2007 Judge Leslie Alden of Fairfax Circuit found Ricardo Villalobos's expert testimony lacking any credibility.
+Mr. Villalobos came to court to testify as a expert witness on child abuse - when asked if he had brought his credentials/resume/curricum vita with him. His answer was No, I did not think it was needed in court. (During his testimony, it was learned that, he had never testified as a expert witness before and hence did not know he should have brought his resume with him to court.
+Ricardo Villalobos was conspiring with a convicted felon Lawyer Robert Machen ( Who spent a year in a federal prison) and CPS worker Shannon Traore aka Shannon Tyler...( who was later fired from Fairfax County Child Protective Services).
see:Fairfax County CPS SocialWorker accused of Fabricating Child Abuse allegations.
Mental Health Therapist charged with child sexual Abuse
A former mental health center therapist has been charged with drug and sex activities involving teenage boys under her care..see link above
Psychologist charged with assault, child abuse at a Silver Spring Clinic in Washington
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